Community theater has been a magnet for me for more than 30 years.

When I moved to a new place, I tracked down the local community theater (military spouse = lots of moving). If there was no local theater, I started one!  I have had successes and I’ve had failures. Clearly, the successes outweigh the failures or I wouldn’t have stayed with it so long.

I enjoy working in theater because I find it a perfect collaborative effort. I relish creating something new with other people. I love the creative process. I delight in getting on the same wave length as others who take the work as seriously as I do.

I have been on stage and off stage. I’ve acted and directed. I’ve been in musicals, comedies, tragedies. I’ve directed theater as diverse as musicals, children’s theater, comedies, one-acts, opera, even a little Shakespeare. I began a festival for new and emerging playwrights. I’ve stage-managed, choreographed, been musical director, done costumes, built sets, ushered, house managed, and more. If you’ve been involved in community theater for a while, you get the picture.

I also enjoy being in the audience!

If you are new to community and school theater, I  hope my blog will help you understand how it works. Theater is a great art form which encompasses just about every aspect of life – there are very few skills in the real word that are not used and needed at one time or another in theater.

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts and ideas. It is a collaboration.
